



The under listed standing orders are being proposed to assist in the running of the Society in Port Harcourt. They have been put down based on past experiences in running the Society.
There are three levels being considered, viz:

i) The general meeting, which is the highest organ of the society in Port Harcourt;
ii) The Executive Committee, on which the duty of running the Society lies; and
iii) The Standing/Ad-hoc Committees



One to the large number of member of members in the branch, members shall be expected to attend General Meetings but no levy shall be imposed on absentees or late comers. Participation in Branch activities shall however, determine benefits accruable to members. At least 1/3 of attendance of activities shall qualify a member.

All meetings shall be chaired by the chairman or the vice chairman in the former’s absence, where they are both absent members present shall nominate a member to chair the meeting.

1.2.1 A chairman is authorized to institute fines for any disorderly conduct. Such a fine must be paid before any appeal against it shall be considered. The fine shall not be more than N50.00.
1.2.2 If an appeal against a fine is considered in favour of the appellant the fine paid shall be refunded.

1.2.3 In Exco meetings the appeal should be made to the Exco whereas in General Meeting it should be made to the house.

1.2.4 Disorderly conduct shall include and not restricted to the following:
i) Talking without the permission of the Chairman
ii) Failure to stop talking after the Chairman has so ordered,
iii) Failure to pay fine as directed by the Chairman,
iv) Failure to carry out assigned duties.



Attendance at Exco meeting is mandatory.
2.1.1 Failure to attend Exco meeting shall attract a fine of N100.00 if there was no prior apology to the meeting.

2.1.2 Lateness to a meeting after a period of grace of thirty minutes into a meeting shall attract N20.00 fine.

2.1.3 Fines paid under 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. shall be properly recorded and shall be used to consider the member so affected for future appointments.


Article 1.2(up to 1.2.3.) (iv) as above shall apply to Exco meetings as well as Standing / Ad-hoc Committee Meetings.


3.1 The chairman of every committee (Standing or Ad-hoc) is empowered to co-opt members to enable the committee work effectively.

3.2 Committee Meetings shall be chaired by the respective Chairman. In the absence of a chairman, members present shall nominate one of them to cover the duties of the chairman.

3.3 Any committee that fails to give report in three consecutive Exco meetings shall be replaced by the Exco to ensure that activities are carried out as planned.

3.4 The chairman of any committee that is replaced as in 3.3 shall not be considered for any office in the subsequent year.

3.5 Standing Committees and Ad-hoc Committees shall apply sections of these Standing Orders as they affect them.


4.1 Members shall be awarded prizes for outstanding performances.

4.2 Committees shall be awarded prizes for outstanding performances.


1. A special form shall be prepared for application for fund.

2. Four copies of such a form shall be completed by the applicant who shall retain the fourth copy, and hand over three copies to the Branch chairman.
The chairman, after approval, shall retain one copy and hand over two copies to the Treasurer for payment. After payment, the Treasurer shall give one copy to the financial Secretary within 48 hours and retain the last copy.

3. The Treasurer shall not honour any application for fund that has not been approved by Exco or the General Meeting where such an amount is beyond what the chairman is authorized to approve.

4. The chairman shall present any such application in 5.3 to the next Exco Meeting for clearance.

5. Any approval made by the chairman within his limit shall be taken to the next Exco for ratification.

6. Any violation of Section B.3 shall attract a fine to be decided by Exco and the Treasurer shall refund the entire sum involved in the first instance.

7. Any sum of money advance as imprest shall be retired before any re-imbursement shall be made. Retirement of imprest shall be to be the Treasurer with a copy to the chairman.

8. A comprehensive financial report shall be given to Exco by every committee chairman at most one month after the activity for which money was advanced. Failure to report shall attract an action to be decided by Exco.

9. Preceding every General Meeting, the Treasurer shall inform Exco of Bank balances and the budget performance to date.

10. The Treasurer and Financial Secretary shall monitor the budget performance and alert Exco as necessary.